Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Tough Economy for School Budgets

Every year around this time, schools begin to prepare for budget meetings to discuss what the school is going to have in terms of funding to implement programs or purchase equipment if state and federal funding is available. Times are tough, school administrations are looking closely at every dollar begin spent, and certain valuable programs don’t always survive. I remain optimistic that most school districts will keep technology on the do-not-cut list, as children and schools cannot afford the consequences of falling behind in this area.

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Keyboarding Skills...It's Not Just Typing Anymore

Thoughts of your high school typing class may send shivers down your spine but, in today’s texting-conscious world, honed typing skills can take you further than imaginable! Being able to get your message across in, say, 140 characters or less, means your thoughts need to be succinct and precise. Read more....